Mineralization of samples prior to ICP testing is aimed at preparing samples for analysis and extracting chemical components that are present in the samples in the form of minerals. Mineralization of samples is necessary for several reasons: Decomposition of chemical compounds: Many samples contain chemical components in organic or inorganic form that must be decomposed into elements in order to be accurately identified and measured. The digestion process digests samples to convert compounds into forms that are soluble in acids or other solvent. Removal of the sample matrix: Samples may contain substances or components that make it difficult to accurately analyze the elements of interest. By digestion, the sample matrix, i.e., uninteresting substances such as mineral or organic background that can affect the accuracy of measurements, can be removed. Increasing solubility: Some elements are present in samples in the form of hardly soluble mineral compounds. Through mineralization, such compounds can be converted into more soluble forms, allowing more accurate ICP measurements. Increase measurement sensitivity: For some samples, especially those with low elemental concentrations, mineralization can increase the sensitivity of ICP measurements by concentrating the components to be analyzed. Mineralization of samples prior to ICP testing is an important sample preparation step that enables accurate and precise determination of elemental composition in chemical samples.